Universities & Colleges in Libya |
Your guide to a comprehensive list of universities and colleges in Libya
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Al-Arab Medical University
P.O. Box 18251
Hawari Road
Benghazi, Libya
Tel: +218 61 225 007
Fax: +218 61 222 195 |
University of Benghazi
P.O. Box 1308
Benghazi, Libya
Website: http://www.uob.edu.ly/
Tel: +218 61 222 0147
Fax: +218 61 223 0315
Libyan International Medical University
Kairawan Street, Al-Fwaihat
Benghazi, Libya
Website: http://limu.edu.ly/ar/
Tel: +218 61 470 6647
Fax: +218 61 223 3909
The Libyan Academy
Academy of Graduate Studies
Academiat Addirasat Alulia
P.O. Box 79031
Janzour District
Tripoli, Libya
Website: http://www.alacademia.edu.ly/
Tel: +218 21 487 2796
Fax: +218 21 487 3075
College of Computer Technology Tripoli
formerly Higher Institute of Computer Technology
P.O. Box 6289
Tripoli, Libya
Website: http://www.cctt.edu.ly/
Tel: +218 21 480 0413
Fax: +218 21 480 0199
High Institute of Industrial Technology
Tripoli Janzour, Libya
Website: http://www.hiit.edu.ly
Tel: +218 21 486 1107
Fax: +218 21 486 1108
The Open University
P.O. Box 13375
Tripoli, Libya
Website: http://www.libopenuniv-edu.org/
Tel: +218 21 487 4000
Fax: +218 21 487 4000
University of Tripoli
P.O. Box 13628
Sedi El-Masri District
Tripoli, Libya
Website: http://www.uot.edu.ly/
Tel: +218 21 462 7910
Fax: +218 21 462 8839
Al-Jabal Al Gharbi University
P.O. Box 64101
Zawia District
Gharian, Libya
Website: http://jgu.edu.ly/
Tel: +218 24 263 0263
Fax: +218 24 263 5316
Asmarya University for the Islamic Sciences
Aljamia Alasmariya Leloloum Aleslamiya
P.O. Box 471 / 495
Ashiekh District
Zliten, Libya
Website: http://www.asmarya.edu.ly
Tel: +218 51 462 7039
Fax: +218 51 462 0040
Al Zawiya University
Jamaa't Azzawia
P.O. Box 16418
Al-Zawia, Libya
Website: http://zu.edu.ly
Tel: +218 2 362 6882
Fax: +218 2 362 6882
Misurata University
P.O. Box 2478
Misurata, Libya
Website: http://www.misuratau.edu.ly/
Tel: +218 51 262 7203
Fax: +218 51 262 7350
Omar-Al-Mukhtar University
P.O. Box 919
El-Beida, Libya
Website: http://www.omu.edu.ly
Tel: +218 8 463 2946
Fax: +218 8 463 7052
eMail: admin@omu.edu.ly
Sebha University
P.O. Box 18758
Sebha, Libya
Website: http://www.sebhau.edu.ly
Tel: +218 7 162 1575
Fax: +218 7 162 9201
University of Sirte
P.O. Box 674
Sirte, Libya
Website: http://su.edu.ly |