Algerian Embassy
12 Rue El Kiraoune
P.O. Box 51
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21 444 00 25
Fax: +218 21 333 46 31
eMail: ambalg.trip@libyamail.net |
Austrian Embassy
Shara Khalid Ben Walid/Shara Arismondi
Dahra Area, Garden City
P.O.Box 3207
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21 44 43 379
Fax: +218 21 44 40 838
eMail: tripolis-ob@bmeia.gv.at
Website: http://www.aussenministerium.at/tripolis |
Bangladeshi Embassy
Hadba El Khadra, Near Military Academy
Opposite Khadra Hospital
P. O. Box 5086
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21 491 1198 / 9
Fax: +218 21 490 6616
eMail: mission.tripoli@mofa.gov.bd |
Brazilian Embassy
Shara Ben Ashur
P.O. Box 2270
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 (21) 361-4894 / 4896
Fax: +218 (21) 361-4895
eMail: brasemb.tripoli@itamaraty.gov.br
Bulgarian Embassy
Madinet El Hadeek - Mohamed Farid Street
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 2 1334 6630
Fax: +218 2 1334 6633
eMail: embassy.tripoli@mfa.bg
Website: http://www.mfa.bg/embassies/libya |
Canadian Embassy – Currently Closed
Tripoli Tower, Tower 1, 7th Floor
P.O. Box 93392
Al-Fateh Tower Post Office
Tripoli, Libya
Website: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/libya-libye/ |
Chinese Embassy
Menstir Street
Gargaresh Road
P. O. Box 5329
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21-483 2914
Fax: +218 21-483 1877
eMail: chinaemb_ly@mfa.gov.cn
Website: http://www.ly.china-embassy.org |
Cypriot Embassy - Currently Closed
Tripoli, Libya |
Egyptian Embassy
El-Shatt Street
P.O. Box 1105
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21 334 5119
Fax: +218 21 444 9262
eMail: egyemblib@hotmail.com |
French Embassy - Currently Closed
Rue Beni El Amar
Quartier Hay El Adalous
P.O. Box 312
Tripoli, Libya
Website: http://www.ly.ambafrance.org |
German Embassy
Sharia Hassan el Mashai
P.O. Box 302
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 (21) 444 85 52
Fax: +218 (21) 444 89 68
eMail: info@tripolis.diplo.de
Website: http://www.tripolis.diplo.de |
Greek Embassy – Currently Closed
18, Shar'a Jelal Bayar, Dahra
P.O.Box 5147
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21 333 6678
Fax: +218 21 444 1907
eMail: gremb.tri@mfa.gr |
Hungarian Embassy
El Juma en Zahra Street (off Almadar Street)
Ras Hassan District
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21 361-82-18
Fax: +218 21 361-82-20
eMail: tpi.missions@mfa.gov.hu
Website: http://www.mfa.gov.hu/emb/tripoli |
Indian Embassy
Nafleen Area, Near Fashloom Roundabout
P. O. Box 3150
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 (21) 340 9288 / 89
Fax: +218 (21) 340 9281 / 82
eMail: consularvisa@indianembassylibya.in
Website: http://www.indianembassylibya.in |
Italian Embassy
Shara Uahran, 1
Tripoli, Libya
eMail: ambasciata.tripoli@esteri.it
Website: http://www.ambtripoli.esteri.it |
Jordanian Embassy
Abdul Rahman Bin Ouf Street
P.O. Box 971
Maydan Al Jazaer Post Office
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21 361 4761
Fax: +218 21 361 4762
eMail: tripoli@fm.gov.jo |
Kuwaiti Embassy
Ben Ashour Street
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21 484 0043 to 5
eMail: tripoli@mofa.gov.kw |
Lebanese Embassy
Malek Ben Aous Street
El Boudeiri Roundabout
Ben Achour Avenue
P. O. Box 927
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21 361 5744 / 5
Fax: +218 21 361 1740
eMail: libya.leb@gmail.com |
Maltese Embassy
13 Sciara Obei Ben Ka’ab (Ben Ashour Area)
P.O. Box 2534
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 (21) 361 1181 / 4
Fax: +218 (21) 361 1180
eMail: maltaembassy.tripoli@gov.mt |
Moroccan Embassy
Rue Ouahchi Ben Harb
Av. Ben Achour
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 (21) 361 7809 / 8
Fax: +218 (21) 361 4752
eMail: sifmatripo@hotmail.com |
Netherlands Embassy
Sciara Gelal Bayar 20, Dahra
P. O. Box 3801
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21-444 1549 / 1550
Fax: +218 21-444 0386
eMail: tri@minbuza.nl
Website: http://www.libya.nlembassy.org |
Omani Embassy
Tripoli, Libya
Tel L: +218 21 477 2879
+218 21 477 2762
Fax: +218 21 477 3849
eMail: tripoli@mofa.gov.om |
Portuguese Embassy - Currently Closed
Zaid Ben Thabet
Street Ben Ashur
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 71 893 981
Fax: +218 21 362 13 51
eMail: tripoli@mne.pt |
Qatari Embassy
Floors 19 and 25, Corinthia Hotel
Old Tuesday Souq
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21 336 0300
Fax: +218 21 336 0310
eMail: tripoli@mofa.gov.qa |
Russian Embassy
10, Mustafa Kamel Street
Tripoli. Libya
Tel: +218 (21) 333-0545 / 6
Fax: +218 (21) 444-6673
eMail: embrf@mail.ru |
Saudi Arabian Embassy
No. 2 Kairawan Street
Tripoli. Libya
Tel: +218 21 333 0485 / 86
Fax: +218 21 444 7180
eMail: lyemb@mofa.gov.sa |
Sri Lankan Embassy
P.O. Box 6371, Hey Alandouls
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21-478 2330
Fax: +218 21-477 6166
eMail: slembtripoli@gmail.com |
Tunisian Embassy
Rue Béchir El Ibrahimi
Medinat El Hadaik
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21 333 10 51
Fax: +218 21 444 76 00
eMail: at.tripoli@diplomatie.gov.tn |
Turkish Embassy
Shara Zaviya Dahmani
P.O.Box 947
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21 340 1140 / 1 / 3 / 4
Fax: +218 21 340 1146
eMail: embassy.tripoli@mfa.gov.tr
Website: http://www.tripoli.emb.mfa.gov.tr |
United Arab Emirates Embassy
Girgarish Road
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 21 483 2595 / 6
Fax: +218 21 483 2598
eMail: libuae2005@hotmail.com |
British Embassy - Currently Closed
24th Floor, Tripoli Towers
Tripoli, Libya
Website: http://www.gov.uk/government/world/libya |
American Embassy - Currently Closed
Sidi Slim Area
Walie Al-Ahed Road
Tripoli, Libya
Website: http://www.ly.usembassy.gov |
Yemeni Embassy
Ben Ashur Sharei obbe ebn Kaab
Tripoli, Libya
Tel: +218 (21) 361 5996 / 8 / 9
Fax: +218 (21) 361 5991
eMail: yemen-tripoli@mofa.gov.ye |