Study in
Syria - Living in SYRIA |
On the national economical level, the major
importance of transport sector is focused on securing
transport and travel of goods and passengers.
In this context, Transport will play the role
of linking production centers with consumption
ones, export and import, transit of goods, and
among housing malls with each others.
Further, Transport sector would maintain relevant
conditions and circumstances for the efficient
link of productive and servicing national economics
sectors. Moreover, it would add an additional
value to the products which would subsequently
increase value of Transported goods and merchandise,
and would actualize, The purposes of the moving
people by reaching Their destinations and maintaining
their interests.
This sector is connected to other economical
sectors through mutual and common relations that
are characterized by inter – change effects
among each other. Where any eventual development
in the economical sectors should be carried out
side by side or even preceded by promoting Transport
sector. Transport sector is considered as the
blood vessels linking Syria to other world countries,
where no form of cooperation, integrity or union
could be imagined without maintaining linking
means by Transport. As a result, due to the important
and distinctive role of Transport in the development
process, it has acquired great care and interests
from both leadership and state under the glorified
Correctionist Movement.
If you plan to buy a car in Syria, be
forewarned that taxes on cars range between 150
to 250 %. There is the option of renting but as
of May 2002, only foreign passport holders are
able to rent cars.
Another consideration is where you will be living
as newcomers to Syria can be overwhelmed by the
lack of ""rules of the road""
in major cities such as Damascus.
On the other hand, driving allows you the freedom
to get out of the city on the weekends.
Syria's trains are a modern lot, made in Russia.
They're cheap and punctual, but the stations are
usually a fair way out of town. The main line
connects Damascus, Aleppo, Deir ez-Zur, Hassake
and Qamishle, with a secondary line along the
coast. There are a few car rental companies in
Syria, but rates are around 50% higher than in
the West and petrol is expensive and hard to find.
Syrians drive on the right.
Shared taxis are available to all parts of the
country. Service taxis (old limousines) run on
major routes and cost 50-70% more than Karnak
buses. Regulations: Speed limits: 20kph (12mph)
in the city; 80kph (50mph) on highways. Documentation:
International Driving Permit required. Green Cards
are not yet accepted in Syria. Insurance is required
by law and a customs certificate is needed. These
are available from touring and automobile clubs.
buses are frequent and cheap - most Syrians use
the bus, as very few have their own car. Distances
are short and most trips take under four hours.
Bus types include the traditional coach, minibuses
and Japanese vans known as microbuses. Service
taxis operate on the major bus routes but are
considerably more expensive than microbuses.
Services run from Damascus and Aleppo to most
towns and are cheap and efficient. There are orange-and-white
air-conditioned Karnak (government-operated) buses.
Reservations should be made well in advance. Karnak
bus routes serve their own terminals, which are
usually in or near the city centres. There are
also privately run bus and microbus services which
started recently all over Syria.
Publicly owned bus services operate in all major
towns and cities. Most buses outside the capital,
however, have no signs in a European script to
indicate destination or stops, which can make
traveling rather difficult. Taxis are widely available.
Fares should be agreed in advance and according
to the meter in the cities.
Travel Time
CIty |
Air |
Road |
Aleppo |
1.00 |
5.30 |
Latakia |
1.00 |
5.00 |
Deir ez Zor |
1.00 |
8.00 |
Qamishly |
1.00 |
8.00 |
Palmyra |
1.25 |
3.00 |
Dara |
5.00 |
Al Hasakah |
8.00 |
Homs |
1.30 |
Tartus |
3.00 |
Microbuses are the cheapest form of transport.
They do not run a scheduled service.
Social Scene
Food & Drink
There are numerous restaurants
in Damascus and Aleppo serving a variety of Oriental
and European dishes. National dishes are kubbeh
(minced semolina and meat formed in balls and
stuffed with minced meat, onion and nuts), yabrak
(vine leaves stuffed with rice and minced meat),
ouzi (pastry stuffed with rice and minced meat)
and a variety of vegetables cooked with meat and
tomato sauce, usually presented on separate plates
and eaten by mixing it with cooked rice. Among
these vegetables are okra, French beans and malukhiyya.
Table service is the norm and a meal is paid for
There are bars serving a wide range of alcoholic
drinks. Alcohol is permitted but restrictions
are imposed during Ramadan when it is illegal
to drink in public from dawn to dusk, even for
Souks (markets) are the best places
for shopping, notably those in Aleppo. Local handicrafts
in Syria are numerous and precious, including
mother-of-pearl items (such as backgammon boards),
olive-wood carvings, weaving and embroidery, leather
goods and gold and silver jewellery.
hours: Sat-Thurs 0930-1400 and 1630-2100 (summer);
Sat-Thurs 0930-1400 and 1600-2000 (winter).
Special Events
The following is a selection
of the major festivals and other special events
celebrated in Syria:
Apr Flower Show, Latakia. May International Flower
Festival, Damascus; Desert Festival, Palmyra.
Jun Syrian Theatre Festival, held in a different
province each year. Jul Cotton Festival, Aleppo.
Aug Friendship Festival, Latakia. Aug-Sep International
Fair, Damascus. Sep Vine Festival, Swaida. Oct
Festival of Folklore and Music, Bosra. Oct/Nov
Film and Theatre Festival, Damascus.
Social Conventions
The Syrians take as much
pride in their modern amenities as in their unique
heritage and in the tradition of exquisite craftsmanship,
and both should be appreciated. Visitors will
enjoy the hospitality that is a deep-rooted Arab
tradition and sharing the pleasures of an attractive
Oriental way of life. It is customary to shake
hands on meeting and on departure. A visitor will
be treated with great courtesy and will frequently
be offered refreshment, usually coffee. As a guest
in someone’s home or, more usually, in a
restaurant, visitors should respect Arab customs
and traditions.
A souvenir from the visitor’s
home or company is well received.
casual wear is suitable. Beachwear or shorts should
not be worn away from the beach or poolside.
follows Western habits and in most cases it is
obvious where not to smoke. Smoking is prohibited
in public from dawn to dusk during Ramadan.
No attempt should be made to photograph anything
remotely connected with the armed forces or in
the vicinity of defence installations, which even
includes radio transmission aerials. It is wise
to take a good look at what will be appearing
in the background before pointing the camera.
Often expected, especially in more expensive
establishments; ten per cent is generally acceptable.
Institution Accommodation Facilities
Information on accommodation and social
services is available at Damascus and Aleppo Universities.
Private Rental Market
There are many apartments and rooms available
in Damascus. It is common among students to rent
a room in the Christian quarter of the old city.
A nice room in this area costs about 5000 SP a
month. Those who can afford to pay more, or have
someone to share an apartment with, will find
an array of possibilities. In the Bab Mousalla
area a three bedroom apartment costs about 10
000 SP a month. In the central part of the city
you can find nice two bedroom apartments in Shalaan
starting at 15 000 SP a month. Muhajirun, on the
side of Mount Qassiuon, is a popular area with
students. You may be able to find two bedroom
apartments with a nice view for around 13 000
SP. The more adventurous can rent cheap rooms
and apartments in the suburban areas. For instance,
a room near the Sayyida Zeinab mosque will cost
around 2000 SP. In the Christian area of Duella
you might be able to find a one bedroom apartment
for about 5000 SP.
The most convenient way to find a room or an
apartment is to use a real estate agency. There
are agencies all over the city -just walk around
the area you'd like to live in and look for a
real estate office. These agencies charge a finders
fee -anywhere from half- to full-month's rent.
The IFEAD has a file on the second floor, usually
placed on the top of the shelf with recent publications
from IFEAD, containing apartments for rent.
A good real estate agency in Shalaan is the "Maktab
ash-Shalaan". The owner's name is Ziad. It's
very close to Hafiz Ibrahim Str. (between Abu
Romaneh and Hamra streets). His phone number is
00 963 11 333 85 86. Or, if you are in the area,
ask for Ziad at the giftshop named Miami.
There are a few things to consider before renting
an apartment. For instance, is the water cut off
at certain hours? If so, does the apartment have
a water tank? What kind of heating system does
the apartment have? (Damascus winters are cold
and windy). Is the landlord going to be a nuisance?
What is the plumbing situation (ie Western or
Turkish toilets)? If there is a phone, check whether
it has a "0" service. Most rental properties
don't, which makes it impossible to call abroad,
use Western calling cards, or even call local
cell phones. Most landlords restrict apartment
phones to local calls only. However, you can buy
phone cards and place international calls from
booths on the street. It's expensive - about $2.00
a minute to the US, for example - but rates go
down between 1 and 6 am. |
Emergency Services:
Enquiries on traffic violations:
Passports and Immigration:
Medical Services:
Emergency Accident Services:
Other Medical Emergencies:
Telecommunications Company
Hospital Emergency Numbers |
Source: Ministry
of Information |
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