School Education
Primary Education
Primary education lasts for six-years for children (6 to 12 years old) and all students are required to complete and pass the Certificat d'etudes Primaires for admission to lower secondary school.
Six years of primary education together
with the first three years of lower secondary education,
form the basic (fondamental) education.
The first six-years is taught at primary schools (école primaire) and the next three-years of basic education (enseignement collégial) is generally taught at colleges (collèges).
Secondary Education
After nine
years' basic education, students enter upper
secondary education where they enrol into a one- year common curriculum (tronc common) followed by the two-year baccalauréat in their area of specialization (general, technical or orinigal) or the vocational specilization leading to a professional qualifications.
The general track specializes in humanities and sciences in three broad fields: language arts, experimental sciences and mathematics. Upon
completion, they are awarded the Baccalauréat.
The technical track prepares students for postsecondary studies or for the workplace concentrating on six specializations; Agriculture, Economics or Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical Civil or Chemical).
completion, they are awarded the Baccalauréat technique. Some technical
schools offer two years' training after the Baccalauréat leading to the Brevet de Technicien supérieur
The original secondary curriculum at instituts d’enseignement original (institutes of theology) are prepared for postsecondary studies in lettres and law. Specializations in: Sharia, original language arts and original experimental sciences. Upon completion students are awarded the baccalauréat de l’enseignement originel. |