Al Resalah School of Science aspires to impart knowledge, skills and understanding that will give students a solid grounding in academic, social and personal education to prepare students for participation in an increasingly diverse, complex and technologically advanced society as global citizens.
Al Resalah School of Science will provide a high quality learning environment using the most up to date curriculum, teaching methods and technology to ensure student achievement and success
Al Resalah School of Science understands quality education is best realized with highly motivated, appropriately qualified, skilled and supportive leaders and teachers.
Al Resalah School of Science understands active involvement of the family and community is essential to successful student learning.
Al Resalah School of Science understands respect for the diversity and dignity of individuals and groups is embraced.
Al Resalah School of Science understands learning is dynamic. Students relate new information to previous knowledge and make lasting connections between school experiences and their world.